Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Armor of God

Do you truly have your armor on right now?
I think we, as followers of Christ, would say yes. However, if a situation arises and has the ability to cut you in half - unexpectedly - did you really have your armor on?
This scenario just happened to me and I feel like I was caught not wearing the FULL armor of God.
You may be wondering, "Which piece was she missing?"
I wondered the same.

I'm glad the spirit directed me straight to my Father and His word. I realized that I DID have my armor on - all of it! Because I had my armor on, the situation has not overtaken me. Sure, it hurt for a couple hours, but thanks be to God and His righteousness that lets me know I am not condemned, but covered by the blood of Christ. My conscience is clear that I did not hurt anyone intentionally, but my heart is compassionate to the feelings of another human being.
Ephesians 6:18 says: And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
I am truly blessed to have brothers and sisters in Christ who pray for me. I know this helped me as well.

What I have just been shown is that even though you have your full armor on, there are portions of your body that are exposed and can be cut. The good news is that these cuts should only be minor if you take care of them right away. If they are left open, they can become infected which will cause you more problems.

Continue to STAND FIRM, fam. Continue to pray for one another.

*Artwork provided courtesy of James "theo" Theopistos.