Friday, September 30, 2011


We met Nina & Star at the Please Touch Museum yesterday. They're from Sprout's Good Night Show, which is on pretty much every evening in our house. Sprout is a great channel for the little people! All of the programs really help them learn - I love it!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nice. I could sleep here. (With a little more color) ♥

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, whatsoever things are HONEST, whatsoever things are JUST, whatsoever things are PURE, whatsoever things are LOVELY, whatsoever things are OF GOOD REPORT; if there be any VIRTUE, and if there be any PRAISE...
think on these things.
Philippians 4:8

Slap Bracelets

I didn't know they were back! 
I used to keep a slap bracelet by my side...until they were banned from school.

*Vintage "Faith" Tee from KWG in the background ; )

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Almost There!

I cannot type one word that describes how magnificent my God is! Any word falls incredibly short of His amazing-ness.
Two more bills have been crossed off our list - another credit card bill and a jewelry company.

I am sharing our journey because I know there are plenty of people who are in our situation - you want to be debt-free but it seems like there is no way to reach that goal. Finances are funny and you can barely afford to pay your rent/mortgage and buy food for the house. The phone calls from bill collectors are a part of your daily routine now and ignoring the calls gets easier and easier - but it still leaves you uneasy. As your credit score plummets, your apathy increases, but the hope of getting it back on track never dies.

Amidst all this, one thing is true - This world & the things of it are temporary while God and the things we do for Him will last forever.

I say this to put a perspective on things. We can put our trust in a God who is sovereign and who works everything our for the good of those who love Him. Following biblical principles about debt will get you to the place where God wants you to be. (What principles? Ok, I will blog about them in another post. In the meantime, visit This is a great place to start if you're serious about getting your finances straight.)

Now to the awesome story of how God is carrying us through this debt-free journey:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

KWG: Murals

KWG officially does murals now.

It's exciting to share this news with you as our KWG "baby" grows!
As I've stated before, my husband is a phenomenal artist - truly gifted by the grace of our Father in heaven.

As I promised, here is the "finished" mural. It's "finished" because we're sure my dad will want to add to it. He has already eluded to the other designs that he sees on the wall. 

If you're itching to have some hotness on your walls or some other place, make sure you contact us: | 267.536.9183
And, here's an open invitation to visit the KWG Design Lab - stop by anytime ; )

Now for the mural...

This is the picture that inspired the BDawk piece. He may not be in Philly any more, but he will always be respected as an Eagle. 

The mural features Brian Dawkins and is accentuated by the Flyers, Phillies and Penn State logos. The "ill" logo was thrown in for extra flyness. 

A close-up of BDawk.

He got all the tiny details.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Take Up Your Cross

Matthew 16:24
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

I have to admit, when I heard "take up his cross" I understood it to mean carrying something heavy - a burden. Thank God for His Word and the Holy Spirit that gives us understanding. Jesus also tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Knowing that God's word is perfect and that it does not contradict itself, I came to the conclusion that I had misunderstood. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Is It In You?

You're 1/2 a mile away from finishing what can be the fastest time for your routine run.
Do you give in to your fatigue or do you dig deep to finish strong?

Is it in you?

It's the final minutes in the 4th quarter of a close game against a long-time rival.
Do you let the clock master you or do you turn on the "clutch" and grab the victory?

Is it in you?

You're in the fight of your life. Everything that can go wrong is wrong. Your trials and tribulations have you in the corner and the finishing upper-cut is on it's way. Do you get knocked out or do you tap into the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and mount a seemingly unlikely comeback?

Is it in you?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Watch. Listen. 
This represents all of us.
Sin is sin & we all do it.
Repent & Turn from it.
Receive Restoration & Renewal. 
Our God is an AWESOME God!

Da T.R.U.T.H. - The Whole Truth

Friday, September 16, 2011


Just a little sketch while at work.
my husband's quick sketch

Agape hoodie
My husband is a phenomenal artist. His gift was graciously placed inside of him by God Himself. And the gift is used to give glory to God.

KingdomWork Graphics is the manifestation of the vision that God gave to my husband and, consequently, me.
Go behind the scenes of KWG -
Visit the KWG store -

More designs are on the way - including something special for my ladies!! 

SideNote: My dad is a huge sports fan. It was only a matter of time before he asked Brian (my husband) to create something "sporty" on the walls of his man cave. If you follow me on Twitter (@NLMPazZion) or Facebook, this is the sneak peek of the masterpiece I couldn't wait to show you! 

Yes...I will definitely post the finished mural. ; )

UPDATE: I can't even hide it - I am amazed at Brian's gift! I knew he was good, but this is like "Wow!" What makes it super sweet is that He is powered by the Holy Spirit so everything he does is for the glory of God. His gift is always a segue to the greatest Gift - Salvation through Jesus Christ. Here are two more pix...and he's still not finished!

more to come...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bema Bash

On 9.10.11 (it's cool when the date does that), I was invited to minister at the Bema Bash. Bema is a new record label with the goal of promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ. This was my first time in Brooklyn and I had a lot fun.

I judged a slam dunk competition! Basketball is my favorite so that was pretty cool to me.

I know this pic is a little dark - my bad - we were just having fun.

In the pic: PazZion (that's me in the pink KWG tee), TriUnion (NY jerseys, Gigi Smallz & Blaze), Chi-Chi (yellow hat), Timothy Jean (pointing to the Heavens), (Ceege & Durasell)

PazZion & Chi

Durasell, PazZion, Ceege

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lil Ppl Dictionary Entry

fragile  (verb)  \ fra-jil \
 1 : the act of being gentle
 2 : how one should treat something that is easily broken

Examples of FRAGILE
 - You have to be fragile with it so it doesn't break

Origin of FRAGILE
   Kaelin - 8 years old

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Nike Love

Nike 6.0 Balsa Mid Lite Women’s ShoeSo I really dig Nike - their products, their marketing, their steez.
They have a new blog - Nike Found.
Very cool stuff. Here are some pix from there...

FOUND IN LOS ANGELESNike Motion Racer Women’s Tank TopFOUND IN BERLINNike Free TR Fit Women’s Training Shoe 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where Children Sleep

That's Indira. She's 7 years old and lives in Kathmandu, Nepal. 

"Where Children Sleep" provides a thought provoking glimpse of the socioeconomic differences in today's youth. James Mollison vividly captures reality in a most innocent way. His idea to photograph children and their bedrooms is genius to me! As a child, your bedroom says a ton about you and your atmosphere - whether the child or parent decorates.

Looking at the pictures in this book allowed my almost 9 year old son and I to talk about God's provision for our family. According to statistics and people's opinions, we may miss the middle-class mark, be considered impoverished, or seem to lack things that we need or should have. Whatever label man puts on our family is irrelevant. Our God is faithful and His word says that He will provide - and He does. 
Sure there are some things that would benefit us greatly if we had them now, but our needs are met. More important than any tangible items, God provides His LOVE, His PEACE, His GRACE & MERCY, etcetera. Those things are priceless, timeless, infinite. Because we have God's intangibles, we have JOY regardless of how many tangibles we have or don't have.

While being thankful for the things we do have, we are also called to help those in need. No one is exempt from being in need. No matter how much money one has, no matter how many things, at some point you will need something from someone else - money, food, shelter, a hug, encouragement, kindness, love. Jesus tells us to treat our neighbors as ourselves. I pray that some of the pictures in this book prompt us to help each other. 

Click the links above to see more pictures from the book. You can find additional pictures by clicking here.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lil Ppl Dictionary Entry

emeny  (noun)  \ em-a-ne \
 1 : the opposite of a friend
 2 : someone who may cause you harm

Examples of EMENY
 - (Lil people playing with mega bloks): Let's build a dam! The emeny comes in like a flood!

Origin of EMENY
   Laila - 4 years old