Thursday, September 13, 2012

Busy Times

My brain has been so full of stuff lately! It's a good thing. During this busy time, I have to constantly remind myself that without Christ it is all in vain. Forsaking my time with my Savior is NOT AN OPTION. It is very tempting to "get this done first" or "just finish this real quick" or "i'll pray/read after i'm done." If it happens once, it can happen twice and can then turn into a habit. I don't want that. I want Christ to be at the beginning and at the core of everything I do.
I wasn't planning on sharing that, but I also enjoy being transparent in hopes that my experiences can help or encourage someone else.

So...busy is the word. School is back in action and that means Virtuous Journey goes back to a normal posting schedule. Normal? I think there is a new normal.
The season that I'm in is sporadic, it's random, it's highly flexible and somewhat variable. (that's wife & mother of 4 talk)
There is a calming consistency that holds everything together and that is the Holy Spirit that lives within! Thank God for the Holy Spirit - lol - or I would truly be in total chaos.

So, Welcome Back! We have another year ahead of us (notice my year starts with the school year, for now). Let's continue in the Virtuous Journey together.
We are stronger than last year!
We are wiser than before.
We will seek Christ even harder.