Three little people and one of me.
It wasn't horrible, though. It definitely could've been worse!
I woke up to a daily morning hug from my daughter. Beautiful, except for that hint of pink eye. Man! That means a trip to the doctor. That wouldn't phase me under "normal" circumstances.
Normal meaning everyone is medically insured.
I'll explain how we got to this point in another post - lol.
God has been forcing me to trust him in the hardest way.
Since our benefits have lapsed, I've had to take all three little people to the doctor FOUR times in one month. This is unprecedented. It has been painful to check in at the office not knowing if my kids would be seen. We (my husband and I) are in the process of applying for state insurance, but the application hasn't gone through yet.
On the 1st visit, miraculously, the old insurance was still in effect! Thank God! My daughter was diagnosed with an ear infection, we were able to get the prescription filled and she's good.
On the 2nd visit, miraculously, the old insurance was still going strong! Thank God! My son was diagnosed with an ear infection, we got the prescription filled and he's good.
The 3rd visit was a well visit for my four month old daughter. Amazingly, the insurance was still active. Wow!? Thank you, Lord!
The 4th you believe it...the old insurance came through again. My youngest daughter was sick with an on & off fever for 5 days. Turns out she probably had whatever my son had and the virus had run its course.
That brings me back to this morning and the possibility of having to go back to that office for the 5th time this month! How can I not trust God to work this out since he has over & over? But, alas, my lack of faith reared its ugly head again. I quickly checked myself, though, thanks to an AM study with my husband.
Romans 8:28 says we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
My family and I LOVE God so we know that he's working everything out for our good. So whatever happens - whether we go or don't go to the doctor today, old insurance active or terminated - we're good.
He has been providing for us in a situation that appears bleak (to be expounded upon in another post) so we will continue to trust in Him.
And...the AM craziness has subsided for a moment ; ) I'm sure it'll return soon - but I'm ready for it!