Looking though our computer, I found these two pix of our boys, Kaelin & Immanuel. iPhones are doing wonders for regular ol' photos. I think they're pretty decent so I thought I'd share...
Kaelin, 10 years old in about 2 months |
Kaelin is our 1st born. He's a very cool dude. Mature. Everyone (not an exaggeration) who meets him ends up saying, "He has an old soul." His name means "Mighty Warrior" and he is...for Christ. That makes my ♥ smile. I have also seen that Kaelin means "Rejoicer" and that works, too!
Immanuel, 2 years old |
Manny is the anchor...the last of our tribe. He exhibits an amazing love for sports and that started a year ago. He especially loves basketball and has trained his eye to recognize and point out any basketball paraphernalia including the NBA logo. His name means "God with us" and that is a nice reminder of how awesome is our Father in heaven.