I ran yesterday, March 27th, but my last run before that was on March 19th. An entire week had gone by without me running and that was not the plan. Besides "winter in spring" affecting my runs (I do not dig running in the cold - gotta get over that), I had to chill because I was not properly rehydrating myself.
Patience, Perseverance and Endurance are great. So are cars, but without the proper fuel, they are not as great as they can be.
Having an excitement and a zeal to do God's Work - Kingdom Work - will only get us so far. We have to be equipped and we have to re-up daily. If we don't actually spend time with our Father through prayer and through reading His Word, we will not have the energy to sustain the mighty work that He has for us. We will be put in a position where there is no other option but to chill and get in His presence for refueling.

It may sound something like, "Father, I'm really sorry that I have not been seeking you like I should. Please forgive me, Lord, and help me to see the time that you give me to seek your face."
If time is an issue, take 5 minutes to spend uninterrupted time with God. He will honor that time. Use a timer if you have to, it's cool! Add more minutes as you can. This is a great way to get back on track. This is advice that someone gave me and it works.
I have beaten myself up for not taking the proper time to refuel by being in my Father's presence. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ and walk by the Spirit not after the flesh (Rom 8:1). The time I wasted beating myself up could have been spent getting back on track!
Speaking of tracks...I will be doing a better job of rehydrating myself after runs so that my Patience, Perseverance and Endurance can flourish!