Hebrews 12:1 tells us to lay aside "the sin which doth so easily beset us."
The NIV translates that as "the sin that so easily entangles."
The MSG says "no parasitic sins."
NLT calls it "the sin that so easily trips us up."
When I read this, I think of my sin. I don't want my sin to easily beset me, or entangle me, or trip me up or suck me dry like a parasite.
Then God showed me that this is applicable to all sins! Not just my sins, but other people's sins that purposely or inadvertently end up affecting me. I need to lay them all aside. I need to throw them all off. All of those sins have the ability to hinder me in my race.
How do I throw off other people's sin? Forgiveness.
...later that evening: & look what God shares with me on forgiveness today.
I know, and you probably also know, that forgiveness can be a process. During that process, it can be easy to wonder if forgiveness has actually taken place. You want to forgive, you mean to forgive, you thought you did forgive, but the thought of the offense brings back hurt and anger. Forgiveness - true forgiveness - can be a process where each day you get closer & closer to that goal. Each day you forgive and forgive again, ridding yourself of any unhealthy feelings.
Forgiveness releases the person from a debt that you think is owed to you.
Your forgiveness releases a person from prison and that person is you.