It's time for me to Run My Race! And while I'm running mine, I want to encourage you to
Run Your Race

During these 10 miles, I know there will be times when I lose my groove and will have to re-focus. I will fixate my eyes on something and keep them there until it gets closer and closer. I pay attention to how I'm running - my breathing, my stride, my pace.
Whether your running in the natural or spiritual, stay in a groove. If your groove is disrupted, re-focus and get back in your groove. When you have been running for a long time and still cannot see the finish line, re-focus. Persevere through a cramp. Endure through fatigue. Walk if you have to! Keep moving and Run Your Race.
(SN: Personally, I don't like to walk during a run, but once I had to and that enabled me to finish. I had to realize that walking isn't what deters me from my goal. Stopping does. Walking is allowing my body to rest when needed and helps keep me in the race. If I ignore my body's call for rest, I put myself in a position to potentially have to stop forever.)
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, Hebrews 12:1